Scholarship Awards

Through the generous support of our donors, the Stacie Lee Belew Scholarship Fund has provided over $180,000 in need-based scholarship grants since its inception in 2016!
For the 2023-24 school year, we are providing 8 scholarships to attend Christian schools - 7 in the St. Louis area and 1 in Springfield, Missouri. We also continue to sponsor 5 students who attend and live at a Christian school in Uganda!
We know these scholarships are making an impact on the lives of families, students and their schools. Below is what school administrators and teachers tell us about our scholarship recipients, whose families have experienced challenges due to such things as the loss or terminal illness of a parent, unemployment, guardianship issues and financial need.
“(3rd grade student) continues to excel in his classwork. He is a friend to everyone. (Student) is comfortable sharing his faith with those around him. One of his greatest joys is being a part of his Boy Scout troop. His grandparents are the co-leaders of the troop. They are doing a fantastic job of mentoring him and his classmates who are in the troop. Thank you for your support of this student so that he can continue growing spiritually and academically.”
"(3rd grade student) is a blessing to our class. His positive attitude, bright smile, and eager approach to learning makes each day a joy to have him in class. I can always count on (student) to be prepared for my class, have his supplies out, and ready to participate. He is willing to help out classmates when they do not understand a task. He steps in and works with them! This year (student) has really taken a positive step forward in his academics! He enjoys learning about Christ in religion, and you can see him actively carrying out Christ’s mission of loving your neighbors." –Teacher
“Your generosity has allowed these sisters to be in an environment that is allowing them to grow into beautiful young ladies! Recently, (3rd grade student) has shown tremendous growth in math. Last quarter, she struggled with the math concepts, however, this quarter, she has excelled in multiplication. She is making connections and showing mastery in understanding multiplication and division. (Student) has also shown an increased interest in reading. She even shared that she loves her "reading homework" and is enjoying reading at home more. (Student) is a really good friend to all students in this classroom. She goes out of her way to make sure everyone is happy and feels included. (5th grade student) has taken a greater interest in her learning. She really enjoys Art class! She is both attentive and puts real effort into her projects. She is also gaining confidence in Math through increased participation and effort. (Student) has a positive attitude and is becoming more motivated to learn. She gets along with her classmates and is generally patient and respectful towards them. I hope all is well and your ministry continues to impact many students.” –Principal
“(1st grade student) is having a phenomenal year! We are seeing him grow in independence and love watching him light up as he learns new concepts. Despite a stressful year for his family (due to parent illness), he is thriving. Thank you for your dedication and generosity to keeping (student) in our school. You're blessing many people through just one scholarship.” –Principal